"... for I AM the Lord who heals you." Exodus 15:26b

Sunday, November 14, 2010


For the first seven year of our marriage, my husband walked on egg shells around me for two weeks out of four. I was grumpy, quick to jump to wrong conclusions, emotional and all-round a pain. Heck, I didn't even like being around myself, but I felt powerless to change. So when we began learning about spiritual roots and divine healing, my husband (gently) suggested I read the section in the book about PMS.

I remember sitting on the couch in my living room and saying to my husband, "Ha! Listen to this. The spiritual root of PMS is fear of pain. Shows how much he [the author of the book] knows!" Sweetly, as is his nature, he suggested, "Well, ask the LORD what He says about that." More out of obedience to my husband than expectation of hearing from the LORD, I bowed my head, closed my eyes and said," LORD, what do you have to say about fear of pain as the spiritual root of PMS?"

Immediately, my mind's eye was seeing an image from my middle school years. I had a bird's eye view of me as a young girl in the house where I grew up, doubled over in pain with my first period. The image reminded me I had to come home early from school that day because I felt sooo bad ... missing the pep rally with all my friends. As I watched and remembered, emotions washed over me and I was 13 years old again. I was sad and confused and in pain again. It was a bad place to be.

And then, suddenly, the image changed. Jesus was there, kneeling beside me, His arms around me. I couldn't see His face, but I recognized Him just the same. With His presence, the bad melted off of me into a puddle on the floor and then vanished. Poof ... the saddness and confusion and pain were gone. In their place, comfort and love and peace and protection from all that was bad that day filled me as I sat on the couch in my living room. I knew in that instant I was healed. Praise God!

The true test of healing came with each passing month. My husband will testify that he no longer had to tred lightly around me. And I can tell you I was released the prison of PMS.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
My guess is that if you suffer from PMS and I told you about a pill, some herbal tea or other remedy that produced such results, you would be quick to try it. But when the solution is easy -- a simple matter of bowing your head  -- and involves Jesus -- it is our nature to reject it. We tend to trust more in the created than the Creator. He designed the human body and He knows the number of hairs on your head. Don't you think He can handle a little PMS?! I encourage you to try asking Jesus about your PMS. Allow Him to speak to your pain and release you from your prison.

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